Friday, December 18, 2020


 Dave's Vacation continues and he's here to deliver another heaping helping of auditory audacity. Drakk & Buzzsaw go in hard and fast in this extra dose of Atomic talky-juice, sweeping aside the rules and regulations of life and burrowing deep into the epidermis layers of the flesh, like two engorged, yet benevolent ticks feeding on the lifeblood of consciousness. Their eager pincers greedily clack together as they drink deep from the fount of knowledge. Topics probably hint briefly upon: Dave's Waiter/Waitress philosophies, Thai-food-fly-fest 2018, The Undertaker on Cameo, even more Cyberpunk 2077, The most valuable life advice you are likely to hear, Young Plumbers, and the social justice of Medieval Times! If you ain't Wang-Chunging your way through life, you ain't livin', kiddos!


  1. You spoil us Buzzsaw with your extras.

    I think you discourage the college too quickly. Sure, trade schools are great, but college also has a lot of perks - for right people. Smart kids get a scholarship and regular kids go study abroad, where education costs pennies, some do it in Transylvania like Drakk did. What the Count majored in again?

    As for the distance to the stars, it is weird. For a time the stars were somewhat like mythological figures, untouchable. It worked well for people already grounded in communities, but today with a lot of people lonely and lacking human connection some stars forming close relationship with their audience seem to fill the gap. Or maybe exploit? The knowledge of the power of parasocial relationships and the tools to form them are quite new too. You probably have heard of the Hololive. What are your thoughts on it?

  2. I don't spoil you with extras. I PUNISH you with extras.

    It's not so much discouraging College, as much as it is discouraging taking an obscure Major and then graduating with no job prospects and 100k of debt to deal with. If you have a laser-focus on what you want to do and study (which I think is a damn-near super-power at the age of 17/18, etc), then more power to ya!

    Dracula majored in "Rape & Pillage" but needed to quit school mid-year after the campus was razed by "Those filthy Turks" as he so daintily put it...

    I am out of a great many loops, so I have not heard of the Hololive at all! I am on a permanent 5-8 year delay as far as processing new information, so hit me up in 2027 and I will have a passing familiarity with the concept.
